Part red wine and part cherry wine, Jubilee is a collaborative
blend of tastiness. In addition to the distinctive cherry redolence, scents of pomegranate and blueberry interfuse on the nose.
Like biting into a freshly picked Northern Michigan cherry, Jubilee’s tasting profile includes black raspberries, cinnamon, woody stems and candied cherries. To accentuate Jubilee’s red wine profile, serve it at room temperature; to highlight its cherry components, serve it slightly chilled.
Composition: 47% Cabernet Franc, 23% Merlot, 20% Balaton, 10% Marquette.
The red wine components were cold soaked and fermented on the skins for two weeks before being pressed.
These wines also completed malolactic fermentation and were aged in French and American oak barrels for 11 months.